Sunday, July 23, 2006

Shadow In The Dark

I am sinking into the darkness of night
Entrapped by demons of loneliness
My feet are cold but
not as icy as my heart
Classical music is playing on the radio
I heard voices of willow singing
Melancholic is the tune
So that is what i blame
for the moise in my eyes.

Sleepless is the night's best companion
Just like
"Jealousy is the shadow of love"
What Janusz Makarczyk
the Polish poet wrote
"The greater the love
the longer the shadow".

Too quiet is a night like tonight
That I hear jealousy
onto my long shadow by the bed.


Blogger 3 potties said...

this one is brilliant - its making me stop and think!

Saturday, July 29, 2006 12:21:00 pm  

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