Tuesday, September 20, 2005

A Cuppa À La Kota


This photo was taken in Glasgow, Scotland, somewhere on the way towards University of Glasgow. I was walking with two friends from Romania and Moldova. We were exhausted. The road didn't seem to lead to any interesting places of visit. I saw this little cafe. What a relaxing place to have a cup of tea while sitting under the August sun, watching people passingby (though I must say, that road was quite deserted).

I took out my camera, snapped this photo. It will always remind me of a quiet, pleasing and couldn't-care-less-but-just-to-have-a-cup-of-coffee times no matter how busy life is, how stressful work makes me :)

The title of this photo just came to my mind. I personally like it a lot. I thought I'd just briefly explain why such a name :)

A cuppa = a cup of tea (Kiwi slang)
À La = at the (French)
Kota = city (Malay)

The title represents the cultures I've been exposed to, whether a major part of my life, or just like a corsage embellishing a blouse. Hope you like this picture. And always remember: Never too busy to slow down once awhile during your walks in the life journey to smell the coffee :)

text written 6th Feb 2006


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